I achieved a lot with Tirrel. I started to love training again, I started to sleep again, I started going out again & not binging in restaurants, I even went on a 10 day work trip and stayed on macros/training regime throughout despite all the challenges being away on business can bring.
Here AP speaks frankly about his body transformation process, the hard work and the outstanding results!
“Like many people, I’d made a couple of fitness based resolutions at the start of the year & in particular I wanted to diet down & potentially do a photo shoot. However, after two months, things weren’t going well & to be honest I was falling apart – let me give you a few examples;
I was binge eating in an out of control fashion (I would eat 1.5kg of Alpen in a couple of hours)
I couldn’t sleep through the night. I woke up every hour without fail & ended up working at 2am because I couldn’t get back to sleep.
I stopped going out – I wanted to reach my goal & I thought the only way to do it was to focus harder and harder.
So the journey began
At the start of March, I didn’t sleep for 2/3 days – I needed help and this is when I reached out to Tirrel. He made time for me the next day. He listened to everything I’d done, asked questions, understood what I wanted to agreed to help me get there. It was such a relief to get all of this off my chest, he understood & his listening made me feel like I could try again to hit this goal & I could do it! He even bought the green tea that day.
In terms of what we did, we took initial measurements weight, body measurements, photos & measured body fat with calipers to assess where I was as well as to track progress over time. With my stress & concerns around food so high, Tirrel suggested Fresh Fitness Food (food prep company in London) as one way help me bring this down. So with FFF providing my food, Tirrel guiding them on my macros based on my progress in the gym (we trained 3 times a week), I started to enjoy training again.
The Transformation Journey
Over the next 15 weeks, I achieved a lot with Tirrel. I started to love training again, I started to sleep again, I started going out again & not binging in restaurants, I even went on a 10 day work trip and stayed on macros/training regime throughout despite all the challenges being away on business can bring. In the end I did my photo shoot and the photos are great, but the main thing was my approach to life/fitness has completely changed. I go out more, apply moderation when necessary, love training and all with a lean physique.
I’ll never be able to thank Tirrel enough for what he did – but if you’re trying to achieve a goal similar to mine, I’d recommend Tirrel as the guy to get you there every time. ”

A Few Words From AP's London Personal Trainer
Before starting AP’s transformation we had a consultation to get a better understanding about his training background, lifestyle and nutritional habits.
We got really clear on what AP wanted to achieve, what was most important and we set time frames to achieve his goals.
AP was experienced with training but needed the most support with his nutrition. We needed to create a nutritional plan that didn’t stress him out with the preparation or cause him to fall off track.
The training sessions where challenging but fun and AP would work very hard during each session. We went through training phases for strength, hypertrophy and modified strong man sessions.
We would have regular checkins to see how AP was getting on and to find out if we could further support him along his journey. At each check in we would refine our plans and go again.
AP achieved his goals through guidance support and hard work which clearly shows in his transformation, well done!