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Writer's pictureTirrel Grant

Full Body Dumbbell Workout

Updated: Apr 5, 2024

Full Body Workout At Home With Dumbbells

This is a full body workout using dumbbells, we are targeting all the major muscle groups of the body for a very effective workout. All you need foe this workout is a pair of dumbbells and some effort. You can do this full body dumbbell workout at home or in the gym, the beauty of this dumbbell workout is that you don’t need much space and you can get a lot done in a short timeframe.

In this full body workout we are using trisets, this is a sequence of 3 exercises performed back to back. Trisets are great if you don’t have much time for a long workout and you want to get lots of volume done in a short space of time.

The Benefits of Trisets

Full body trisets are also great for making a workout more intense especially if you pair 3 exercises all on the same muscle group. Training in this fashion Is very time effective and great for fat burning and building strength alongside the right diet.

Triset training is a fun way to workout compared to single set training; the varied exercises can easily get you to lose track of time with this challenging style of training. With these full body workouts each week you will need to challenge yourself with either more reps or a heavier weight. When you train at high intensity with weights, you’ll gain getter conditioning, and you won’t be staring at the clock like you would will long slow cardio training.

Another benefit to varying your workouts with superset and trisets is that you won’t get bored, many people tend to lose focus when training or even motivation when they’re not stimulated by their training program.

Full body Partner Trisets

If you don’t have the luxury of multiple dumbbells just use a weight that challenges you for the given reps, if you only have a light pair of dumbbells then increase the reps so the workout is challenging enough

Trisets can also be regressed to supersets which is a paring of two exercises, depending on your training background and what you would like to achieve with your training will determine which you choose.

Full body Exercise Pairing with Dumbbells: Letters and Numbers

Rules and additional Notes

3-0-1-0 is a tempo

3-second eccentric (on the way down) the lowering portion of the movement

0 at the bottom part of the movement

1 this is the concentric part of the movement (the way up) in parts of the program You may see a (2) which means 2 sec up

0 the last number the finishing point of the movement this is a 3 week program you need to start the dumbbells with a weight that the last 2 reps as challenging towards the end of sets

Try to increase the dumbbell weight on big compound lifts, if you don’t have heavier dumbbells then opt for more reps.

Keep Track of every session by record the weights you lift, keep your form as strict as possible and do your best to stick to the tempo.

You will need a stopwatch every session, stick to the rest periods to the best of your ability. 30 seconds rest means your hands are on the bar and ready to go at 27 seconds.

A1,A2- This means super set but check to see the rest time at the end of each exercise A’S and numbered in order of how you need to completed them as are B’S and C’s. For example if the program reads A1, A2,A3 you will complete exercise A1 with the correct tempo and number of reps, then use the given rest period before moving on to exercise A2.

The Full Body Dumbbell Workout Routines

Beginner level full body workout

Day 1.


A1 Dumbbell Deadlift 3x10-12 3010 30

A2 Press Up 3x10-12 2011 60

B1 Split squats 3x10-12 3011 30

B2 Bent Dumbbell Row 3x10-12 3011 60

C1 Single Leg Dumbbell Calf Raise 3x10-12 2010 30

C2 Dumbbell Lat Raise 3x10-12 3010 60

Day 2.


A1 Dumbbell Goblet Squat 3x10-12 3011 30

A2 Single Arm Row 3x10-12 3011 60

B1 Back Extensions 3x10-12 3010 30

B2 Seated Shoulder Press 3x10-12 3011 60

C1 Overhead Tricep EXT 3x10-12 3010 30

C2 Crunches 3x10-12 3011 60

Intermediate workout level full body dumbbell superset workout

Day 1.


A1 RDL 3x8-10 3011 10

A2 Incline dumbbell chest press 3x10-12 3110 60

B1 Back foot elevated split squats 3x10-12 3010 10

B2 Dumbbell Renegade Row 3x10-12 2010 60

C1 Standing Arnold Press 3x10-12 3110 10

C2 Weighted Crunch 3x10-12 2011 60

Day 2.


A1Heels Elevated Dumbbell Squat 3x10-12 2011 60

A2 Single Arm Shoulder Press 3x10-12 3010 10

B1 Back foot elevated split squats 3x10-12 3011 10

B2 Dumbbell Renegade Row 3x10-12 3011 60

C1 Dumbbell Floor Press 3x10-12 2010 10

C2 Standing Hammer Curls 3x10-12 3010 60

Advanced dumbbell Triset workout


A1 Dumbbell Front Squat 3x10-12 4010 10

A2 Dumbbell Lunges 3x10-12 2010 10

A3 Neu to Pro Bent Row 3x12-15 3010 60

B1 Toes Up RDL 3x10-12 3011 10

B2 Dumbbell Step up 3x12-15 2010 10

B3 Flat Dumbbell chest press 3x12-15 3010 60

There are many ways to workout with minimal amounts of equipment and still get a great workout. If you would like more information on the right dumbbell workout for you, please get in touch. And if you're looking to start using dumbbells, make sure to check out our beginner's guide to dumbbells.

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